Thursday 12 January 2017

P1(c) Storyboard

Camera angles: I am going to use wide angle and medium shots for the first image as I want to show the environment. For the second picture, I will probably use a medium able to show what she is doing then switch into close-ups of what she writing. Then I will use a long shot to show the girl put the letter in the post box and use medium angle and close-ups to film the boy read the letter. I will also use a wide-angle to film the boy going to find the girl afterwards.

Camera angles: I am going to pan shot to show the background and the two boys. Then I will switch to medium as they talk to each other, and close-ups for showing the detail of the phone. For the third image, I will use following shot to follow the girl as she goes into the business room. I would like to use shoulder back shot and pan shot to show the boy in the airport and the screen of flight details. Furthermore, I will use establishing shot to film the girl and the boy's back, and slow motions will be used in this scene during editing section. Lastly, I will use establishing shot and close-ups for them in the business room.

Camera angles: For the first picture, I will use the medium and close-up shot for filming the scene of the girl talking with the boy outside the business room. Next, an establishing shot will be used when two boys are arguing in common room and switch to a close-up when the girl comes to stop them. An over-shoulder shot and close up will be used for the girl leaves with her fiance. Furthermore, there is a scene that the boy drunk inside a bar, and I will use an establishing shot and close-up for this scene. By the time, the girl comes in will be using a long shot and medium shot when they are hugging. 
Camera angles: For the first image, I will use a medium shot of Marco texting to Gladys in the train station, and pan shot will be used when the train leaves the station. Extremely close-up will be used when Marco decided to throw the SIMcardd to the bin. A medium shot will be used when Gladys show the message to her fiance. I will use the medium and shoulder shot to film Gladys find the gift that Marco gave her before, extremely close-up to the earrings and switched to the memories that they have and I will film that scene in Wesley boarding house. Lastly, I will use medium shot to film the girl find the time capsule that we dug before and use extremely close-up to show what the note says. 

Camera angles: This is the last scene that I have for my short film. The following shot and pan shot will be used when the girl goes into the chapel. A medium shot will be used while she is waiting for the boy. Extremely close-up when the door opens, it will have an effect of someone comes in but it is mysterious because the camera won't see who is coming in. Lastly, A back shot of the girl watching the boy comes in and stand by the door, they are watching each other. 

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